Category: <span>History & Tech Blog</span>

History & Tech Blog


The new server is a Dell Latitude E7270 with a i5-6300U, 8GB Ram, 256GB SSD with even lower energy consumption (8W idle, Screen off)

The Data from the old EEE PC was transfered to the Dell. without any Problems. A Postgres DB with nextcloud and mysql with this wordpress was added. It went online 2020-04-01.

The old Dynamic DNS is still available, but it now links to the new TLS/SSL encrypted .org Domain.

History & Tech Blog


The End?

In Covid-19-times some Problems appeared. The Hardware had become too slow to work properly with the software and it took hours to boot. New Hardware was needed.

The server was updated to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and some problems were fixed.

The old hardware was taken offline after > 60 000 hours online time.

History & Tech Blog


The functionality grew continously. The server was used for different live saving jobs (git backups etc.) and became accessable via SSH. A mysql database was added and a password protected Xray-wiki was added. (Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10, 15.04, 15.10 & 16.04)

History & Tech Blog


The project “online” started with this simple netbook (Asus EEE T101mt). In 2013 the netbook became too slow to work with, but too good to throw it away. The Low Energy Consumption (11W idle, Screen off) and the low price resulted somehow in setting up a server. (Ubuntu 13.10)

In November 2013 a simple Apache Ubuntu Server went online on the DynDns (available at least until 2020) only for fun and to test the reliability of the EEE-Pc

History & Tech Blog


First Steps in Ubuntu/Linux on the reasonable priced Asus EEE T101mt

Running a Intel Atom N450, 1GB Ram & 320GB Hdd (cheap 2,5′ model)